Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Reflection Questions 152-156
I think Elie Wiesel wrote this book because he wanted to share his experiences with us and the process of what happened throughout this time of period. He wanted to show us what it was like when he went throughout the whole thing. He wanted us to feel what he felt so history won't repeat itself.
153. Why do you think he chose Night as the title?
I think he chose to name it Night as the title because he felt like everything was passing in the dark. Like if he were in a dark place that he couldn't see nothing but darkness that surrounded him. You know he was just like a room without any lights.
154. How does Elie change as a result of his experiences in the concentration camps?
Elie changes as a result of his experiences in the concentration camps by him getting traumatize of everything he has been through and like all that happened with him through the concentration camps he changed because he became more mature about everything and he fighted for his own survival even though he cared about his Father but he fought for his own will.
155. How does Elie finally come to terms with his ordeal? (What does he finally do?)
Elie finally stops thinking about his father if he's gonna live or not and he just tries to fight for what he wants to do: Survival. He finally listens to what people are trying to tell him all the way from the beginning:to stop caring of other people and not yourself, care about what you want to do which is survive this nightmare.
156. Give examples of issues in Night that still arise today and what do you think you should be done about genocide?
Some examples from Night that still arise today are that people still go to concentration camps, people still get burned in crematories and gas chambers, another thing is that families still get separated from each other, and another issue is that people still get discriminated because of their race especially Jews. I think that we should like make a contract with the people who own the concentration camps like to stop this or like offer money and just take out all those people who are still alive and are there stuck in there suffering and give them some kind of health so they won't be suffer anymore.
Monday, May 18, 2009
The Diary of Anne Frank Act I & Act II
1. The Families must obey strict rules to avoid discovery. Which rules would be the
hardest for you to follow? Why?
The rules that would be the hardest for me to follow were to stay still without moving for almost 7 hours straight and also staying quiet all the time because I like to move around and like I like to make noise too, I don't like it being just quiet around the house.
2. a) In Scene 1, what objects does Mr. Frank find in the secret rooms?
Mr. Frank finds a scarf that is very colorful and a white glove that might belong to a woman, inin the secret rooms were he entered.
b) How are these objects connected with the rest of the act?
These objects are connected with the rest of the act because it reminds him of everything everyone has gone through and its like how the story started out with these objects.
3. a) What special meaning does Hanukkah have for the families?
The special meaning that Hanukkah has for the families was that to spend time with like everyone as one big family like a real family and it also means that its a time to be together and thankful for the luck they have about not getting killed and enjoy a day off, kind of like having a Christmas Day with your family.
b) What do Anne’s presents show about her?
Anne's presents shows the kind of person she is like she expresseses her feelings to the other people. You know she tried to make gifts for everyone even though it was small but at least she gave everyone a present which was nice of her. And it also shows what she feels for the other people.
c)Why do the others react with enthusiasm to their presents?
The others react with such enthusiasm to their presents becaused they didn't know that they were going to get a present from Anne since they didn't have money or couldn't even go to the store to buy some stuff.
4. a) With a partner, discuss Mr. Frank’s statement, “There are … no locks that
anyone can put on your mind.” How does Anne prove that this is true? Anne proves that this is true by that no one can stop her from knowing what she knows likes if someone tries to prove her wrong they can't because she knows how to stop you from proving her wrong and no one can like stop her mind from knowing something like she won't stop talking to you until she gets to her point.
5. a) What is the historical cause that forces the Franks to go into hiding?
The historical cause that forces the Franks to go into hiding because the Nazis were going to separate the whole family in the camps they had and they might never see each other again which was sad for them.
b) What effects does this situation have on their daily lives?
The effects that this situation has on their daily lives are that they have get to get stuck with it for the rest of their lives until the war ends and se if they are safe enough to go to the outside world.
6. In Scene 2, Anne and Peter discuss the Stars of David on their clothes.
a) What effects do the Nazis intend the wearing of the stars to have on the Jews?
The effects that they Nazis intend the wearing of the stars to have on the Jews are that they wear them to threaten the Nazis or like it might be represent something that the Nazis don't like but they still wear it.
b) What background information about the war and the Nazis’ treatment of the
Jews helps you to link this cause with its intended effects?
The background information about the war and the Nazis' treatment of the Jews helps you to link this cause with its intended effects were that it was sad to lose so many people because of the war. This helps you link by the Nais wanted to destroy all the Jews so no Jews can be remaining in this world.
7. Complete an organizer like the one shown with examples of dialogue that achieve
each purpose.
Reveals character and relationship: One example was when Anne and Mr. Van Daan were like fighting for no reason. This reveals that they don't really like each other and they don't really get along with each other.
Advances the action of the plot: One example was that when they like have a conversation in between everyone and you know it reveals what the events are going to be when they all talk with eahc other.
Develops the conflict: One example of this was when they went into hiding for the first time. Like this reveals the conflict by like saying what the real problems is which is basically that they have to go into hiding because the Nais are going to kill them like they are killing everyone else.
8. After Mr. Kraler asks if Jan Dussel can join the Franks and the Van Daans in hiding,
what does the dialogue among the characters reveal about their personalities?
The dialogue among the characters reveals that they are well-mannered people and they respect themselves when they meet someone new and they like to just make new friends but sometimes they just don't connect with each other and they have discussions that show the anger they have stuck inside them.
The Diary of Anne Frank Act II Page 870 (1-9) Skip 8b:
1. What do you like best about Anne Frank? How would you like having her as a friend?
The best that I like best about Anne Frank is that she has humor for everything she says and she is like really funny. I would like having her as a friend by like you know getting to meet her and see if we have things in common and see if we could be good friends.
2. a) What disturbing news does Mr. Kraler bring on New Year’s Day?
The disturbing news that Mr. Kraler brings on New Year's Day is that this guy named Carl came to the house where they were hiding and asked a lot of questions to Mr. Frank to Mr. Kraler and he said that he wanted 20 dollars more than how he usually gets paid.
b) What hint does this give about the ending of the play? The hint that gives us about the ending of the play is that they get discovered at the end of the play like you know it gives us a clue about how the play is actually going to end.
3. a) What is the time span of Act II? The time span of Act II is that it only took less time than it was from Act I.
b) How have the characters changed since the end of Act I? The characters have changed since the end of Act I by everyone acting nice to each other like better now, and like since they have been living there for a long time they got use to each other, they also communicate with each other better.
c) How do you know that Anne has changed? I know that Anne has changed by like the way she acts, she isn't that annoying no more like she doesn't talk as much as she use to. She acts the way she has to act like acting the age she is.
4. a) How can Anne believe that “… in spite of everything…people are really good
at heart?” Anne can believe that this is true because if like someone tries to prove her wrong she proves THEM wrong not her and also like if the person she is talking to she will like show off how smart she really is.
b) What does Mr. Frank mean when he says: “She puts me to shame”? Mr. Frank means by the statement he said was that since she is younger than he is she has more faith than he does.
5. For each of the following events, identify one cause and one effect:
a) Mr. Van Daan’s decision to steal food. The cause for this situation is that he is hungry and just didn't want to starve to death! The effect is that everyone is mad at him for eating everything and so like there isn't any food for them to eat and they will die of starvation.
b) Mrs. Frank’s change of heart about wanting the Van Daans to leave. The cause for this case is that Anne will feel lonely if his only friend she can talk to leaves! The effect is that if they want to stay in their house of the Franks they have to be good.
c) What are some possible causes of Mrs. Van Daan’s attitude toward Anne and
Peter’s relationship? Some possible causes of mrs. Van Daan's attitude toward Anne and Peter's relationship are that they are something more than just friends like boyfriend and girlfriend. Or this might mean that she can like start flirting with Anne's father.
7. Living in close quarters has multiple effects on the residents of the “Secret Annex.” List three effects that result from this single cause. The first effect is that they can't do much around the house because they might get caught. The second effect is that there isn't enough food for the people that are in that house. The third effect is that they can't do whatever a regular family would do.
8. a) On a chart like the one shown, identify the possible motivation behind the actions listed.
Character: Miep Action: Brings flowers and cake to the attic rooms. Motivation:
She is like someone who is nice and she likes to share with people.
Character: Mr. Van Daan Action: He stealed the food from the refrigirator. Motivation: He is a very selfish man for stealing the food that was for everyone in the house and he should apologize.
Character: Peter Van Daan Action: He is ashamed of what his father did to. Motivation: He is trying not to everyone in the house. show that his family likes to have things for
themselves.9. What possible motivations might an informer have for telling the authorities about the families in hiding? The possible motivations that an informer would have are that he/she would like tell people what life really was while you were hiding someplace where they might never find you.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Hansel and Gretel.
My brother and me were hearing what our parents were talking about. Father was bragging to mother about how they would become without any food. I heard that mother said that they should take us into the forest and build a large fire and then they would leave us alone. I couldn't believe what mother had said. Father didn't like the idea that mother had come up with. But mother had convinced him to say yes to her idea. I was very sad that we might never see our parents again especially our dad.
My brother told me that he will find a way to help us. When mother and father went to sleep, he stood up from his bed and put on his coat, and went outside. He grabbed white pebbles and grabbed as many as could.
The next day, mother came in to our room and woke us up. There was some food for us in the table but not so much. I took the piece of the bread and put inside my apron pocket. We were on our way to the forest and I saw that Hansel all he did was look back at the house and was dropping a pebble on the road. Father asked him why he kept looking back to the house.
"I am looking at the white cat, that is sitting on top of the roof, and he wants to say good-bye to me."
Mother didn't really like what Hansel had said. When we reached to the spot where they were going to leave us, father told us to get some wood and pile it up like a hill. We hurried to bring back some wood. Father started the fire and said that they would leave us here until they would cut some wood that they needed.
I cried a little because I didn't know how were we ever going to get out of the forest. I asked Hansel that and he said that I should just wait a little bit more longer.
When the moon had finally risen, Hansel took my hand and pulled me out of the forest. We walked all the night to get to our father's house. It seemed like for ever. When we got home mother opened the door, she was angry because she said we took so long in the forest. I was very excited to see my parents again because I don't want to ever leave them. We just went to bed because mother said that everything was almost eaten up so there was no food for us! Hansel again stood up from his bed to go grab more pebbles but mother had locked the door. Again early in the morning, mother came back to wake us up but this time she sounded really mean. We were on our way to the forest and Hansel was thowring the crumbs of the bread into the groun so we can follow the crumbs and get back home. Again father asked Hansel what he was doing and told him something similar to what he had said yesterday but just changed a the thing he was looking at. When the moon came out, again me and Hansel try to went back home but the crumbs weren't there because the birds have eaten them.
We walked and walked so we can try to find our way back home. But unfortunately we didn't. The next day we tried again but we didn't find our way. Hansel and me were starving but we couldn't find nothing to eat. We watched a swon white bird sing a beautiful song. When it was the end of the song the bird left but me and Hansel followed it until it got to a small house that was mad eout of bread and the windows were made out of clear sugar. We ate and ate until we couldn't because since we were really starving so we ate a lot! All of the sudden this lady came and she looked really old. She asked us what we were doing at her house and we didn't answer. She took us inside her house and she had food ready for me and Hansel on the table. It was so good and it tasted yummmy!!!!!!!
The weird lady only pretended to be nice. In real life she was a wicked witch that waited for children to fell for her trap so she can cook them and eat them. In the early morning, before me and Hansel were awake,she was awke already. She took Hansel to a little stable and locked him in there. Then she shook me until i was awake. I saw Hansel and I was sad. Poor Hansel, he had to eat so he can get fat and the witch to eat him! The next day, I had to go out and hang the cauldron with water and light fire. She heated the oven. She told me to get into the oven to see if it was heated enough. I got inside and she tried to shut the door of the oven and let me in there so I can get baked. I pushed the witch into the oven and shut the door and put it at a higher temperature and she burnt to death. I unlocked Hansel out of the stable. We ran but we had to cross the river which there was no bridge to cross over or anything. So Hansel asked a duck to cross of over and we got there safely and ran back to our father's house and we hugged him. He said that our stepmother had dide from soemthing that happened. I was so happy we came back and saw our father back again!!!!!!
Friday, May 1, 2009
There once was a lion who was really lonely. He never had no one to talk to. He had no friends because they said he was weird. So one day he goes to the park about noon time by himself. He sees the kids playing around, having fun, and busy doing things. He wished he'd at least had a friend who he had fun with and did all the stuff with him. As it was getting late the kids in the park where leaving with their parents. He had no parents because they had left him in a garbage can when he was just a baby and he just grew up by himself & in the streets. So he decided to stay until all the kids left. He saw that a strange dog sat beside him in the bench. There was only silence and no sounds. This strange dog starts to tlak to him and lion starts getting confident to talk to the strange dog. After two hours later they became friends because they had so much in common an the strange dog helped him be more confident to people.
Strangers can be good friends and also good company.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
"The outcasts of Poker Flat."
In my opinion, I would have to blame the outcasts. I would blame them because they would not have died if they did not lay down in the snow to sleep. You know they knew that there was a really bad snow storm, they could have walk there until they got there so they can be nice and warm. They wouldn't of have died if they would of walked there until they got to get help. It was going to be worth taking that long walk because they were going to get help and they were finally going to be somewhere where it was warm and you didn't have to suffer in the coldness. Another reason why I would blame them is because it was like they committed suicide. By this I mean that they maybe just laid there on purposely because you know John killed himself and so that is called suicided but you know the rest it was like they did it on purpose because they laid there knwoing that there was a really bad snow storm. They might of done it on purpose. I think they did it on purposely because maybe since they were different they just didn't want to go through what they usually go which might be humiliation. So they just did that on purpose!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Kate Chopin
The Blind Man: Well this story was good but I really didn't like it. I didn't like it because you know I didn't want to know what happened when a blind & dumb man goes through. I already know that. I also didn't like it because I thought it wasn't fair for the blind guy that he had to walk where all the sun was at & that maybe the rich guy gave him the pencils to sell them so the blind guy would get out off his property. I think that was unfair. In this story they referred to disabled, rich vs. poor, I think it was described this way because it was like the poor guy was going against the rich guy you know like they were in a war that cause the rich guy to lose because he was greedy or mean. He wasn't being nice so he receive the consequences that he deserves for being that mean.
Desiree's Baby: I like this story but at the same time I didn't. I liked it because it nice how a young man married a young lady and they loved each other and when finally they had a child they were so happy with each other. I didn't like it because there was racism in this story. I think its unfair that he blamed her for the baby being born in a black color, but when it was really his fault not hers. When I read that he kicked her out of the house, I was amazed because how would you kick your wife with a baby in her hands. But afte I read the part where he read his mother's letter, I was shocked but at the same time happy because he got what he deserved for blaming Desiree. In this story they referred on racism, I think it was described like that because the man that Desiree got married with didn't want to be seen with someone black and he just mistreated her and blamed for how the baby looked in the color. You know it was really fair but at least he got what he deserved a payback!!!!!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
"Dr. Heidegger's Experiment."
They asked me for more water. I told them to be patient because I wasn't as fast as they wanted to me to be. I also told them that the water was there so whenever they wanted more water they can drink whatever they want.
When they drank the water I saw that their eyes grew larger and their hair was not gray no more it seemed another color which made them look younger.
Colonel Killigrew went to Widow Wycherley and he was all flirty with her because you know like before all my guy friends were all over her because since they thought she was beautiful. But now they think she is more beautiful than ever because the water did work.
Widow Wycherley ran up to the mirror to check herself out and see if the water did really made her look younger like I promised her. She meet her gaze in the mirror and saw that ugly old woman again but in real life she was young but since a mirror can't lie it showed the mean old truth. She asked me for another glass of water and I told her that I would serve her another glass of water.
I noticed every detail of them while they were getting younger each second. They looked so young now, the youngness were in their veins, they even got dizzy from the loss of all the years. They were so happy that they even cried out "WE are young!!!!! WE are young!!!!!"
All of the three gentlemen were touching Miss Wycherley. Widow Wycherley didn't stop them because I'm guessing she liked it. All of the sudden the flower fell of the floor and the water spread around everywhere. the flower was dying because there wasn't any special water to protect it. All of sudden something happened to my friends. They became old again because whatever happened to the flower it will happen to them. They didn't learn any lesson because it was too soon. So they told me that they were headed to the Fountain of Youth in Florida....
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Desiree's Baby, The Sequel.
"Yes this is Armand Aubigny."
There was a long pause of silence but then someone else picked up the phone.
"Hello Armand this is Desiree speaking."
"Oh hello Desiree, I'm really sorry that I told you to leave me because of the baby. I just want you to come back to the house with our baby so we can live happy now."
"I'm sorry but I can not do that because I don't want you telling me that I'm black when I know I'm really not & that what you said about your last name. I don't think so Armand."
"No No No!!!!!! I'm not gonna tell you that anymore because I discover something you should only know but I want you to come to the house first and then I'll tell you because its too private that I just wanna see how you react."
"Fine but only just for the important thing but I'm not gonna stay with you..."
"Fine just come here and I will tell you what's happen and I hope you can change your mind about coming back."
He was really impatient because he just wanted her to get here so he can tell her becasue he could not hold it in him no more! Someone knocked softly and he knew it was Desiree. When he opened it, it was one of his slaves that told him that Desiree had came and that she wanted to speak with him. He told the slave to tell her that she can come in. After about 2 minutes later she came in, Armard was amazed that he had left such a beautiful young lady. She sat down and he started talking. He told her the whole story & she was in disbelief, too. Desiree was not so comfortale with believing this but she believed it anyways. She told him that she would come back to the house and she would never tell anyone the truth because she will do what's best to get him back with her.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Flowers For Algernon
If I had the choice to have this operation, I would probably not do the operation even though I knew the affects of the surgery would only be temporary. I would not do it because of many reason. One of my reasons I wouldn't want to take it because why would I get a surgery that's not worth it. By this I mean that its not worth opening my head and getting my brain fixed up and then I'm just smart for a while and then I go back to the way I usually am. Also another reason is that in the story it said that Charlie took little time to get smarter but when he started to get dumb again he was losing half of his mind. I'm referring to this by like he took little time to actually get everything in his mind which is good but when he starts to go back to normal he just loses all his knowledge and I really don't want that to happen to me. Another reason why I wouldn't take this operation because I don't want to ever get surgery on somewhere its dangerous because something might go wrong during the operation and that is NOT COOL!!! Like you opening your head can dangerous because it may get infected or something else gets into your head open. You know something may go wrong while the operation is being made because the doctor might not remember how to do it, something may be spilled, or they might do something else other than what they really need to.
Friday, April 17, 2009
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapters 8-the end.
Age- In this story, the age is what matters some what the most. You know like just because Mr. Roger Button had a 70-year-old baby he doesn't like his son for that, which is pretty sad because he is like worrying about the age that his baby was born with. The baby has feelings too you know!!! Anyways, it seems unfair because all they care about is how old the baby is. In the story it says that, Mr. Roger Button is really surprise to find that his baby is 70-years-old and he doesn't want the baby because he is older than he is. Also another message that the story states is that Mr. Roger Button is scared that people are going to start talking about him because his son is old & he he doesn't consider him a son because he wasn't born normal and different from everyone else. Mr. Roger button just worries about what his baby seems to appear like. In the story, Mr. Roger Button is happy that people consider his son as a grandfather and not a son because they don't say that he is related to him in like really close to him.
Beauty- The most important thing in this story is the beauty of yourself. The story is saying that beauty is like what people see in you the most. Mr. Roger Button cares a lot but I mean a lot of what his son's appearance is. He just wants his son to look good so people would think that he is his brother or something else other than his son. Beauty in this story is like you won't be accepted to the public in this city unless you look pretty, cute, or super super good. Like in the story, Roger is trying to put his son to look nice so that he could go out in the public so he would be accepted by people. You know Roger doesn't care if his son is nice or mean or polite or whatever he just cares of what the appearance of him and his son look like because he jsut wants him and his son to fit in with the rest of the people in the world. So yeah beauty is what matters the most in this story.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 3-7
The second problem that I think Benjamin will encounter is that his son might leave the house or do something really bad that Benjamin would get in a big depression or go crazy. Maybe his son since he is older now, might leave the house, rob something from the store, or get caught doing something & might get arrested for doing that. The solution for this is that Benjamin has to put in his place like you know if he is being a rebel teenager then Benjamin should threaten his son that if he doesn't behave well he will put him in a private institute that his son wouldn't like until he will behave better. Another solution is that to get him out of jail [if he is in jail] and ground him or do something so his son wouldn't do that again like he'll learn his lesson to not do that again.
The third problem that I think Benjamin might encounter is that he might business problems by this I mean that he lose he job he had before because since he joined the army and didn't come back until what maybe a year later. They might of hired someone different other than him. They thought he might not come back because its the army and you might die and never come back. The solution to this is to ask his father if he can have a job in the company his father owns. If he says that he can't, well he should try to look for a job somewhere where they might be hiring him. Another solution is that maybe he might even make his own business to see if that brings him to be succesful in an economic way.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 2
I think that Roger should just ignore what people are going to say about his son. You know since he might tell people that his son might be his grandpa or his father so he shouldn't mind about what people are going to say. Because they are mostly going to talk about his grandpa or father but not Roger. So he should just ignore them and say that its okay that people say something because they are barely getting to know Benjamin so it should be fine the way he is dressed. I think he shouldn't worry much about what people might say because Benjamin is the one who is going to be made fun of not Roger. It won't hurt much because Roger might think one thing but other people think something else.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 1
Monday, April 13, 2009
Heart Break
It can hurt or it can bring happiness.
It does many things to your heart.
But the main thing it does is,
Get your heart broken.
When you have a good relationship
Everything works out between you and your partner.
But when its just a game,
Everything turns out to be the opposite of what you thought it would be like.
When you are ready to fall for someone
Make sure they are willing to catch you and not let you fall.
Brag and brag until you are sure that they surely do love you.
Do what is possible to make sure that
They are really in love with you.
Sometimes you have to do really crazy things
To find out what you need to know.
Love is a puzzle full of ways to get through
You have to find the right way to get through.
There’s only ONE way that you’ll get at the end of the puzzle
But sometimes you pick the wrong path, its not easy getting through the right way.
Monday, March 30, 2009
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
It was early in the morning of April, I woke up and it was a beautiful day outside. The children woke up really excited that they could go play outside. First, I gave them breakfast. After that, I dressed them. So they went of to play outside with the other kids. I was sitting in my rocking chair knitting a sweater for one of my sons. My mother came to me with tears on her face. I was worried that something bad happened.
"What's wrong mother?"
"I received a call from your brother, Paul, he said that if I can go move with his family and him, they need a lot of help because Jane needs a lot of help with the children and the work around the house."
"Mother, I will be okay without you. I will try my best to get everything done around the house. I know I can do it."
"Okay daughter, if you ever need anything just call me because I will be willing to come back but now your brother needs. I am crying because I have to leave you here alone with your kids and husband."
"Mother don't worry I will be okay. Anyways we have to celebrate before you leave because we have to make you feel good that you were here to help me with everything."
Today was a beautiful day, that I could hear the nature's sound. The birds were finally singing again. I heard them a long time ago and I finally heard them sing again. It sounded so beautiful. I was kind of sad because my mother was moving away and maybe i might never see her again which was kind of sad. I was going to miss her and so were my children because they grew up with her and they love her so much.
The next day, i woke up to hear the birds chirping loudly. My husband was here and it was a surpirse but i remebered that it was Sunday. And on Sundays it means that he doesn't work and stays with us. He was sleeping but then he woke up. He went to the washroom and brought a pack of money. I was surprise because he barely brought any money home. I counted it and it was about $350. It was a lot of money because he didn't make the half of this money. But I was glad that we finally had money to buy some food and stuff for the celebration that we were going to have this afternoon.
My mother was making breakfast for the whole family. The kids were already dressed and showered. They were having there breakfast. So I didn't have to worry about nothing. I took a shower and got dressed to go to the market to buy the food for the dinner this afternoon. My mother and me went to the market to buy the materials we needed for the dinner we were going to make.
We bought a big fat turkey, apples, flour, sugar, milk, butter, and all those things to make the food. So we went back home to make the food. When the food was done, we had to get ready to celebrate. The celebration was going to start at 4 o'clock. Everyone was at the table, we prayed, and then we finally ate. The food was yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything turned out to be good. Brandon was eating up a lot, he almost ate about 5 plate in total. I was surprised and proud because we never get this kind of food only once a year. My mother was trying to cut something open because it wa s apresent for the children. My husband was trying to reach for something which was my mother's thank you gift. And I was feeding my horse, Patricia, and Ruff wanted to food to. Ruff was my precious dog. He is so cute. Anyways we had a great time and it was a good time because we were all together as one big family.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Pet Peeves
Monday, March 23, 2009
The Secret
It all started on summer vacation last year, Nicole and me went Downtown to hang out and buy some stuff we wanted. We sit on the benches in Millennium Park because we were trying to rest from walking. I looked at her and she started to cry. I asked her what was wrong and she said she had to tell me something really important but I couldn't tell no one else because she would be ruined (get in so much trouble). I promised her and she said that she was pregnant. When she told me that, I was really surprised and happy for her and I told her that but she didn't look so happy I asked what was wrong. Nicole told me that her boyfriend left her because he didn't want no kids and he said that he wasn't responsible for her to get pregnant. I got so mad when she told me that he had said that because he seemed like a good guy that will treat her nice well that's what I saw when I saw then together.
Nicole told me that she went to the doctor because her stomach hurt a lot and she didn't handle the pain. She was worried that something was wrong with her. The doctor told her that she had a week of pregnancy. He said that she should tell her parents so that they would be informed on her health while being pregnant. Nicole wasn't going to tell her parents because she knew that she was going to get in big trouble and her parents wouldn't want the baby. I told her that she should tell them so that her parents would take her to the doctor and the hospital when she was ready to give birth.
Three months after, when stomach gotten getting bigger, she would put something around her stomach so it won't show that she is pregnant. But one day she was at school and was at P.E. class doing some stretching to get ready to play a game for volleyball. So when she bend down to tie her shoes, the thing she put around her stomach to make her stomach not look big, broke and the teacher saw that her stomach was really big. Immediately, she got send to office and her parents were called to the school. They didn't know why they were called because her daughter was a really good student. The principal asked Nicole what going on. Nicole started to cry. She told them that she had 3 months of pregnancy. Her parents where in disbelief because they thought her daughter would never end up pregnant.
Her dad got mad but at the same time happy because he was going to have a grandson. But he didn't like the part when he heard that the guy responsible for the baby left her alone and told her that he wasn't going to take care of the baby and wasn't responsible for anything. So her dad said that he was going to find him and tell him that he is responsible for that baby that her daughter is carrying or else Nicole's parents would talk to his parents and tell him that he needs to be responsible for their kid. Nicole said that she might have an abortion because she didn't want her parents to find out. I didn't want her to get an aborition. I told her to tell her parents before she made the wrong decision. It was good that her parents found before she had an abortion. She got scared that her parents would do something really bad to her like kick her out of the house with the baby. But they didn't, they were good parents to her because they understood her and were not so satisfied that their daughter was pregnant, they just accepted it.
I told her to be strong. She told me that she will and that I was a big help to her. She said that she will never have enough to thank me for keeping her secret and giving her the advice even though I was younger than her. So two more months passed, and they finally found the guy responsible for her being pregnant. He didn't want to at first and Nicole is still in love with him. But after she went to the store with him and he started to like the baby because he saw other babies and the things they sold for the babies. Nicole got so happy when he started to finally love her and the baby.
I'm glad that I gave her good advice and she followed it. She was about to have an abortion that same day her parents found out, afterschool. She told me to go with her but I told her to cancel that appointment and she didn't she was still going to do it. It was like a miracle when her parents found out before she was going to get that baby out of her stomach. I was so relieved when her parents found out. I'm also happy for her because her boyfriend started like the baby that was going to be his and hers.
When she was about to give birth to the baby, the day before she asked me if I would like to be the baby's godmother. At that time I was 17 years old, I thought that I couldn't be a godmother becasue I was too young. So we went to a church and asked if I could baptized the baby. They said that I could. I was so happy because that baby was going to be even closer to me. So we set up the ceremony for next week. When she gave birth, I went to the hospital to see the baby and it was a girl. She was so cute. Her name was Dalilah. She was going to be my goddaughter, I was just so excited that I started to cry. We baptized her and my friend got married at age 21 with her boyfriend that she had her baby with. Everyone was just so happy that everything turned out to be good. At first, I thought that I wasn't going to keep her secret but then I tried not to tell no one because that would ruin our friendship a lot and I still wanted to be friends with her until we died.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Her Mysterious Death
The next day we went to the store where Gloria said that she was going to go to buy the things she needed. The owner from the store knew who she was. We asked the owner if he had seen Gloria in the store last night. He said that he did see her, she just bought something’s from the store and left home. So from there I was really suspicious that somebody had taken her while she was on her way home. I looked at the man’s expression when he told us if he seen Gloria and something told me that he had something to with it because he looked nervous. I asked him more questions which were: what did she buy?, what way did she go?, was there anyone waiting for her outside?, was she the only one walking on the street?, and did you see her cross the street because he can see what way Gloria went to? He was getting nervous but I didn’t care because I’m going to find out who took her.
So the next morning, I receive a call from Gloria’s mother. She tells me that she found Gloria’s necklace on the floor right next to the store that Gloria had gone to. I rushed over to where she was because I wanted to see if there were any fingerprints on he necklace. I got there as fast as I can and I took the necklace from her and I checked it. There were no finger prints on it. So then I had an idea which was to check the woods because the woods were right next to the house, it was a road and some stores but the rest are the woods. My partner, Sam, the policemen that are helping out, Gloria’s mother, and me, go out looking for Gloria in the woods. We notice that their was clothes all over the grass land. Gloria’s mother picks one of the clothes and notices that it’s Gloria’s clothes. So I get the clue that Gloria has to be here somewhere. I keep walking to see if there are more clues and I see a body in the pond. I run over to the pond and notice that it’s a girl's body. I ask Gloria’s mother if its Gloria and she checks it and says YES!.
I look at Gloria’s mother and there are tears rolling on her cheeks. I told her that I would find out who killed and I will put him in jail for many many years. So I turned around to get out and I notice that there is an envelope on the floor. I open it and it has a pair of directions. I look at who wrote it and for who it was. It was from Patrick Scott and it was for Gloria. The letter that the suspect wrote says:
“Dear Gloria,
1) Go to the store that is right next to your house if your parents ask you why you are going to the store tell them that you are going to buy something’s you need, 2) Act like your going to the store but when you turn the corner go straight down to the park nearby don’t let no one who knows you see you, 3) Wait for a white Cadillac to arrived and get on it.
Much love from, Patrick Scott”
It wasn't written in ink, it was typed in the computer. AHA!!!!!!!!!!! I found the clues that I was looking for. The clues here where: Patrick Scott and white Cadillac. Now I’m going to head down the police station and look in the computer and look up Patrick Scott. I looked him up and it gave me all his information. PLUS: he has committed more crimes to other teenagers. I write down all his information and went to his house where he lives. All my partners come with me and we went to go look for him. We enter his house without knocking.There was a person sitting in the living room watching T.V. We asked him if he was Patrick Scott and he said yes! He was like whose there and what are you doing in my house? Gloria’s mother started to tell him things like why did you kill my daughter and all those things like that. We arrested him and took him to jail. Now he is going to serve 50 years of jail for committing murder. Gloria’s mother held a funeral for Gloria’s death and she cried a lot. We all honored her for everything she did, she was close to graduating high school and was going to College next year. She was the best student in her whole class and the second place winner for the volleyball games.
In my opinion, I thought that it was good that we found her body because we held a funeral for Gloria with her own body. Now her mother can go visit her often and not be lonely. I thought that the man that murdered her was a total jerk because he shouldn’t have murder her in the first place. But I think that its good that he’s in jail for committing murder. I'm proud that I found the killer responsible for Gloria's death.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
How to Make Logandale Better
My first is the we should have more after school programs like clubs and other programs during school. Students will start wanting to come to Logandale when they hear about what clubs we offer in this school. Kids are mostly interested in sports, instruments, and clubs that will keep them busy but at the same time they are learning, too. Also we should have programs that go during school because students want to have fun while in school, but we don’t have fun because we don’t have cool exploratory, you should include: music, language, or recess, too. So if you want to make learning more interesting then we should have more after school programs and exploratory so students will learn, too.
My second reason, is that to make ideas on making learning more interesting. Let students decide on what ideas do they have for some school days. For example, some students might want to have special days like pajama day, crazy hair day, or things like that. If they decide maybe students will come to Logandale because they might want to have those type of days in school. Also we can learn and do something fun at the same time like use the computers you play some educational games online for math and reading. If you want to make school more interesting, then we should have out of uniform days all the time.
My last reason is that students should wear out of uniform. If other students hear that Logandale doesn’t have to wear uniform then it will make them want to come to Logandale. Also if we don’t wear uniform it will help us advertise that Logandale is a school that doesn’t need to wear uniform. Another things is that kids might want to come here because they might think it’s a good school without uniform like its kind of modern. So if you put the rule that students don’t need to wear uniform it will help Logandale be a better school.
Three things will make Logandale a better school. First of all, more after school programs like clubs and other programs when school is in session. Second of all, make ideas on making learning more interesting. My last reason is that students should wear out of uniform all the time. So if you want Logandale Middle School to be a better school then you should do all those things that I have listed above.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Alexy Munoz's Life Story
She was about two and a half weeks when something scary happened to her. I left her in the crib sleeping. I put her bottle in the corner of her crib. I went downstairs to do some laundry I still had to do. So I took about half an hour and when I came back upstairs the bottle was right next to her, I remembered that I put in the corner not next to her. I looked at her and it looked like if she had drank some of the milk in the bottle. She had some milk in her bib. But when I left she was sleeping and she was still sleeping when I came back. There was nobody in the house except me and her. I got scared so when she was 40 days old, I baptized her because I got scared that she might be haunted or something.
Everything was better after I baptized her. I had to work because her dad had to work and he didn't make much money. I told one of my friends to babysit her because I needed to work and she did babysit her. I was going to miss my little baby but I was going to see her in the night. So one year passed and my friend Sarah was still babysitting her. In her first birthday, I got the day off. So that day, she started walking. She was sitting down and all of a sudden she started walking. I was so happy and I even took her a picture of when she was walking.
When she was about 5 years old, she went to Mexico with her aunt because I couldn't go because I was pregnant of my second daughter. Her aunt and Alexy were going to go to Mexico so Alexy an meet her grandma for the first time. When they got to Mexico, her aunt called me and said that they got there. I got to talk to Alexy. She told me that she missed me and that she didn't want to stay in Mexico. Her aunt said that she started to cry when she left her in her grandma's house. But the days passed quickly, and when she came back me and her dad bought her a barbie house since she always loved to play barbies, so we deided to buy her a big house for her dolls. When we went to pick her up from the airport she ran to us and we were so happy to finally see her again. When she saw the barbie house, she loved it.
When Alexy was 6 years old, she started kindergarden. Alexy wanted to start shool already. So it was the first day of kindergarden. She had started in Reilly Elementary. We were waiting for someone to tell us what her class was going to be and she was in the same class as this boy we knew. He grew up with her and she was so exited. But when I told her that I had to leave because parents were not allowed to stay in the class with their children, she started to cry because she didn't want me to leave, but I left her crying and I didn't want to but I had to get home.
Alexy was in fifth grade and she was going to go to Logandale next year. She didn't want to go but she had to in order to go to College. So one day she comes home and she looks really sad. I ask her what's wrong and says that she likes this boy but she doesn't know how to tell him. I tell her that she's too young for love but she says she's in love with this guy. I don't even know what to tell her. So I start talking about love with her and telling her that she doesn't need to fall in love at the age of 10. She told me the whole story and I gave her advice beause it was her first crush and I didn't want her to get in lots of trouble.
Now she's an eight grader and I'm proud of her because she hasn't done bad in her grades and because she's almost graduating. The years pass and now she's almost a grown up. I can't believe it. I saw her when she was born and all the way to now it seems like it went fast but I mean fast. She's going to high shool next year and well she's not a kid no more. Well that's the main things that happened through Alexy's life!!!!!!!!
Friday, February 27, 2009
What I wish from Barack Obama?
Immigrants are considered illegal people in the U.S and people just don’t like that. They think that the U.S is like a dream come true but when they get here is just something that wasn’t meant for them to come all the way here. Immigration is guarding the border so no person would get passed it and sometimes they might catch and get you arrested for just trying to cross the border. Another reason is that it isn’t fair because people just want to come here to work and do other things in their lives but they can’t because all the immigration and because they are consider illegal in the U.S. Immigrants try to the best to keep up in this country but all they do here is just spent their working and doing other busy things.
Immigrants have children in the U.S and sometimes immigration comes and takes them back to where they came from and they have to leave their kids in the U.S with other people and they might never see each other again, and that’s sad. They have kids thinking that they would never have to go back to where they came from so they have kids here. It’s a big surprise to those people that get taking away by immigration because they leave their family in the U.S. Maybe they might try to come back, but years later their kids might not even recognize you and that is sad because you got taken away from them when they were young. Immigrants don’t want their children to think of them as strangers because they are their parents or family and that’s not right to do that for them.
People sometimes die to come here because they have to pass that long river or go through the mountains and they might not survive and they die. People think that there life is going to change completely once they come here so they take that risk to cross that river and the mountains to get here. Immigrants don’t want to do these things but they have to because they ether come to work or see what its like to be in the U.S. They are careful to not get caught when they are coming through the border or else they are busted!!!!!!! But when they get caught, they take for about a month in immigration jail and they let you off with a warning but then you can’t get caught again or else they’ll take you to jail for a some years.
I wish that Barack Obama could do something about the immigration and the border. Immigrants are considered illegal people in the U.S and they don’t like that. Immigrants have children in the U.S and sometimes immigration comes and takes them back to where they came from and they have to leave their kids in the U.S with other people and they might never see each other again and it’s a sad thing. People sometimes die to come here because they have to pass that long river or go through the mountains and they might not survive and they die, it’s not fair that other people are legal in the U.S and not them. I think Obama should at least get visas for all the immigrants and not let immigration separate them from their families because they might not even get to see each other anymore. He wouldn’t like it if he was an immigrant that immigration separated him and his family. It’s not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Life Changing Event
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Parents Are the Best Teachers
One of my reasons is that they talk to us about the things that might be going through our lives. Parents talk to you about what you might do when you are going to be a grown up, they will tell us the options we have to choose from for example, you might want to get married. Parents say to us that when we grow up things aren’t going to be the same. Also if we tell our parents our problems, then they would give us some advice and it might help us in the future like for example, this girl likes this boy and she tells her mom, her mom will tell things like don’t tell that boy you like him because then he might ask you out and play with your feelings. Parents talk to us about many things, and if we spend more time with them then we would learn from them because they are the role models.
My second reason is that if we spend more time with them, we learn more from them and we might act the same as them when we grow up because they are the ones who are the role models in the family. When you are with your parents, you talk and you see how they act you learn from them because they are the leaders in your family. Everything they do affects you because you are their child and you watch them every minute of every day and you do the same as they do so no matter what they do you are going to do the same. Sometimes parents make mistakes, and they try to be as responsible as they can because they have children, but you learn everything and sometimes you might want to do the same but if you don’t act the way they do then try to act differently even though you learned something different. Since you spend so much time with your parents, you learn how to do a lot of things like take a shower, or cook some kind of meal, or clean up after yourself.
My last reason is that they will teach you how to do things like cook, clean, shower, and things like that. They teach you how to do it so when you’re older you would know how to do these things. Parents try to teach as much as they can so when you grow up you won’t be lazy or be dirty. They want the best for you and they want to teach the skills they know so you would have a better future than them. Parents want you to do things the right way and to become responsible so nothing goes wrong when you grow up, you’ll be just like them. They teach you many things like cook, clean, shower, dress yourself, and many other things, so that’s why they are the best teachers in the world because they are your parents.
Yes, I think parents are the best teachers for three different reasons. One of my reasons is that they talk to us about the things that might be going through our lives. My second reason is that if we spend more time with them, we learn more from them and we might act the same as them when we grow up because they are the ones who are the role models in the family. My last reason is that they will teach you how to do things like cook, clean, shower, and things like that. They teach you how to do it so when you’re older you would know how to do these things. Parents do many things for you but the thing they do the best is teach you the things you need to know!!!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
A Skill Everyone Needs
My first reason is that everyone needs to learn how to read in order to read important messages, books, or the newspaper because they might say something that you need to know right away. For example, that might have an important meeting or something important from their work. If they can't read, then how would they know when they are going to have that important meeting. Another example for my reason is that sometimes the doctor might send you something urgent like your prescription, when to stop taking the medication you might be taking now, or the doctor might send you when you have the appointment you scheduled. Another example is that you might need to read something like if you don't watch the news then you might want to read the newspaper and catch up with the news but you can't because you can't read the words. Its important to learn how to read for when you become a secretary, organizer, or owner of a business, you'll know how to read important messages!
My second reason is that in your work you might be a secretary, organizer, or owner of a business. You have to always do reading because your job focuses on reading. For example, you might need to do a speech in front of your whole job and some other serious people, but you cannot do it because you don't even know how to tell people what you are trying to tell them. Another example is that if you don't know how to read you might not be able to do the some things your job requires you to. My last example, you might even lose your job because they do not want a person that does not know how to read and can't do the job, they are just wasting their money on someone who doesn't know how to the job. If you don't read, then you might not to the rest of the people because you don't know your letters or words.
My third reason is that you might not be able to talk to people because you might not even know your letters or words because you don't know how to read. When you are leaning how to read you have to know your letters in order to read. You might know how to speak but not so well as you have to. For example, people won't even communicate with you because you do not know your letters or words and that might affect your reading skills. Like they won't be able to talk to you because you might say the wrong things. Another example is that people won't be able to understand what you are saying so they won't get a different message. By this I mean that people would understand you better off if you learn how to read. My last example is that you might get affected by not knowing your letters, words, or even knowing how to read. Everything will become very difficult, you won't know how to write and that might get you fired or not even having a job!!!!!!! So please learn how to read if you want to become successful!
In conclusion, a skill that everyone needs is learning how to read things like books, newspaper, or important messages that they need to know right away. My first reason is that everyone needs to learn how to read in order to read important messages, books, or newspaper. My second reason is in your work you might only focus on reading things because you might be a secretary, organizer, or owner of a business. My third reason is that you might not be able to talk to people because you might not even know the letters or words because you don't know how to read. So if you want to become successful in your life, then you have to learn how to read or else if might affect your life in many ways.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Best Day Ever
I was amazed in what she just had told me. I could not believe it. This is like a dream come true. Puerto Bayarta, Mexico is like the nicest place in the whole wide world. Its like a place where you can have the best vacation in your life. We got to my cousins' house. We all got out of the car. My cousins came to the door to receive us. My mom left to go work. They were like so happy to see us since we haven't seen each other for like a month or so. One of my cousins said that the whole family was going to a trip in Mexico and she told me that we were going too. We were so happy and all of us just laughed and jumped up and down because we were so happy. My big cousin came downstairs and we were all laying down in the couches. She looked happy and excited, she gave me a hug. She told me that we were all going for vacation to Mexico. We were going all going next weekend, but instead of taking a plain, we are going to be driving to Mexico. I thought that would be awful but I knew I was going to have lots of fun with my family. That same day, my aunt told us that we were going to the mall to buy some clothes for the vacation. I was like so happy because I already knew what I was going to buy. My cousins picked out five outfits to wear during vacation. I only picked out four because I didn't have enough money to buy more. My sister got six outfits which is a lot but I was happy for her. We were walking to another store and I see my best friend who moved to another house and transferred to another school. I told my aunt that I'll be back in five minutes. She saw me and we gave each other a big hug. We talked and I could not believe it either, she was going to Mexico, too. I was so happy.
So I went back to where my aunt was and I told her about my friend. She was happy that at least one of my friends was coming. We went to Sears and I found my mom looking through the store. I was like why is she here isn't she suppose to be at work. I asked her that and she told me that she wanted it to be a surprise, too. So anyways my cousins left and my sister and me stayed with my mom. It was almost the end of the day and my parents took us out to dinner. We were at the restaurant and my parents took out a check for me and my sister. They gave it to us and each check said that it had $500 to spend. My parents were going to take us to put in the bank and we could use the bank card to spend on whatever we want while being in Mexico. I was so happy that I was going to where I always wanted to go.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Her Smile
She asked, "what are you going to do tomorrow?"
I was curious on why she had asked me that, so I told her "nothing, why?"
"Because I want to throw party so all my cool friends would come."
I knew she was up to something bad. So I told her that she can't have one. She got real pissed off at me and she ran to her room and started to cry. I ran after her but she closed the door on me.
Later in the afternoon, I was in the kitchen making some pizza and all of a sudden I hear the car pull up in the garage and after that noise I knew mom was here. Alissa ran downstairs as fast as she can and she asked mom if she can have a party on tomorrow. Our mom said, "Sure
you can honey only if your sister is here to watch you guys."
I could not believe it. I wasn't going to stay here and watch them do everything they are going to do. But I had to do it or else Alissa would start doing bad things to me.
The next morning, Alissa knocked on my door really loud and told me to wake up. I woke up it was about 6 o'clock in the morning and I asked her what did she want. She told me, "We have to go buy the things today right now because my friends are going to be here at 5 o'clock. Mom left us $200 in the living room table." I was too tired to get ready so I went in my pajamas.
We arrived at Party City to buy all the decorations for my sister's party. She bought a lot of things and we wasted $45 in total in just this store. Next we went to a bakery downtown. We got there at 8 o'clock. She bougth this yummy cake and I wanted some but I had to wait until the afternoon. The cake was very expensive, I wasn't going to buy it but if I didn't she would our mom and I would get in trouble. We had $100 left. After the bakery she made me drive all the way to Skookie, so she can buy the food she wanted. I was getting mad because all she did was boss me around and I hated it when people bossed me around. The store she wanted to go was Wal-Mart. She bought cookies, hot dogs, pizza, candy, soda, and a lot more things. In total it was about $80.
She told me, "I have $20 left, I'm going to buy myself a dress for the party."
"Umm...no your not because you have bought a lot of things and mom didn't say you waste ALL the money!!" I said.
She got mad and went to look in the clothes section. I got mad and left her in the sotre and got in the car. All of a sudden I see the restaurant, Chilli's, I was starving and I drive to the restaurant. I totally forgot about my sister and I didn't care. I ordered what I wanted and took about an hour at the restaurant. My cell phone rings and its was my sister. She was screaming at me.
"Where are you??? I've been looking for you for about an hour."
"I'm at this restaurant and I don't care because first of all your the one who is being mean. I'll go pick you up in 5 minutes."
She was waiting for me at the entrance of the store. I got in the express way and drove home, for the whole ride we didn't talk. We got home and I went to my room and layed down. Alissa prepared everything and she knocked on my door and came in. "I'm sorry Sammy." I told her, "Its okay. You just got me mad because you were bossing me around and you know I hate it when people do that to me." She told me, "Okay then get ready for the party because your invited." I got happy and I took a shower and got ready.
Everyone came to our house and the party started. We had so much fun and I noticed this cute guy but I wasn't going to do anything because I wasn't into love right now. So everything went okay and I was happy for my sister and happy for me. I was sure everything was going to work this time with me and my sister.