If you had to blame someone or something for the outcasts' deaths, who/what would you blame & why?
-Uncle Billy
-Citizens of Poker Flat
-Bad Luck
In my opinion, I would have to blame the outcasts. I would blame them because they would not have died if they did not lay down in the snow to sleep. You know they knew that there was a really bad snow storm, they could have walk there until they got there so they can be nice and warm. They wouldn't of have died if they would of walked there until they got to get help. It was going to be worth taking that long walk because they were going to get help and they were finally going to be somewhere where it was warm and you didn't have to suffer in the coldness. Another reason why I would blame them is because it was like they committed suicide. By this I mean that they maybe just laid there on purposely because you know John killed himself and so that is called suicided but you know the rest it was like they did it on purpose because they laid there knwoing that there was a really bad snow storm. They might of done it on purpose. I think they did it on purposely because maybe since they were different they just didn't want to go through what they usually go which might be humiliation. So they just did that on purpose!